How Julia Released Her Back Pain

How Julia Released Her Back Pain

Emotional pain and physical pain are like two peas in a pod.  Where one is present, so is the other.

Has your stomach ever done belly-flops before you speak in front of a group?  Had a headache when you felt really worried or anxious about something? Felt tightness in your chest when you were irritated by another person’s behavior?  

These are some of the ways in which our bodies speak to us: anxiety, fear, anger and other negative emotions are expressed physically in the body as physical pain and symptoms.

Click on "read more" to find out how my client Julia found the path to living pain-free.

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How Leanne Fell in Love with Her Husband Again

How Leanne Fell in Love with Her Husband Again

Most of us want to be loved by and feel loving towards the people who are important to us.  When we think we’re not loved, we feel unhappy.  When we feel unhappy, we often either stay stuck in the unhappiness or try hard to change things so that we can feel happy again.

When someone is unhappy in a relationship, often what happens is observing what’s “wrong” with the other person and thinking: “If only he/she would change in a certain way, then I’d be happier.”

When another person does not change in the ways that we want, the result is feeling perpetually angry and resentful.

Large doses of these emotions harm us and prevent us from feeling our love. The path back to happiness starts by releasing and resolving these toxic emotions so that love can be restored.

Leanne’s Story: Releasing a Lifetime of Anger and Resentment

Let me tell you what happened for Leanne, an accomplished and highly creative dancer, performer, and teacher.

Leanne came to me feeling very tired.  Tired of feeling angry, resentful and unhappy for many years.

She said: "My anger is killing me."

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How Bonnie Broke Off Her Lifelong Love Affair with Sugar

How Bonnie Broke Off Her Lifelong Love Affair with Sugar

Let me tell you about Bonnie.

Bonnie has had a lifelong love/hate affair with sugar.   

She loves eating sugar, and hates what it does to her body and her health.   

Bonnie came to me wanting relief from what she called her “food addiction.”  

For Bonnie, food was her “go to” thing.  She’d go to food to cover up painful emotions, so she wouldn’t have to feel them – at least while she was eating.  “Whenever I couldn’t find comfort, I’d find it in food,” she said.

She’d also go to food to celebrate – for special occasions and whenever she had company.  This pattern started way back in childhood, when her mom would serve an abundance of food and sweets whenever company came over.

As a result, she gained a lot of weight.

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What's Your Joy Quotient?

What's Your Joy Quotient?

Discover a not-so-obvious way to cultivate joy in your life. 

In our culture, we receive many messages to pursue joy and happiness.  Many of these messages encourage us to seek joy outside ourselves – by acquiring more, having more and doing more.

The happiness we feel from having and doing is often fleeting and ultimately unsatisfying.  And then we wind up craving more, acquiring more, doing more – trying to scratch an itch that never seems to stop.

But pure joy is accessible regardless of our outer circumstances, regardless of how much stuff we have or how much activity we cram into our lives.  

Many of us would like to feel this pleasurable emotion more of the time.  Why is it so elusive?

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What's Your Anger Trying to Tell You?

What's Your Anger Trying to Tell You?

Anger has been given a bad rap in our society.  Many people "bottle it up" because they've received messages that anger is a "bad" emotion. But anger has a very important purpose in your daily life. Read this article to find out how anger is related to your personal boundaries.

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