PLEASE NOTE: I am presently only accepting clients who have worked with me in the past. Sessions are available by phone, ZOOM, or FaceTime.

From Struggle to Ease: Helping Mid-Life Women Find Lasting Relief

Are you a mid- or late-life woman whose life and career have been pretty darn good, except…. you’re struggling with one or two difficult life situations and are looking for relief?

Or, are you wanting to tune into your heart's desires, but finding this difficult to do amidst the challenges, noise and busy-ness of life?

Monica Milas

Monica Milas

I work one-on-one with women in mid-life (and men, too) who want a guide or mentor to help them release painful emotions and emotional ties to the past so they can feel enlivened while experiencing more inner peace, have much more ease in their daily lives and make truer, more authentic choices for themselves.

Whether you’re a medical, business, government, academic, healing, service, creative, or retired professional, I can help you if you are:

  • struggling in a relationship with a family member, friend, or work colleague.

  • hurting after suffering a significant loss, or a series of losses.

  • feeling stressed out, anxious, angry, resentful, grief-stricken, frightened, overwhelmed, guilty, confused, shocked – or any other negative emotion – and it’s getting in the way of fully enjoying your life.

  • on the emotional roller coaster of a health crisis, or caring for someone in ill health.

  • feeling torn in many directions as you carry out your responsibilities and obligations – performing your job well while handling a difficult situation at home or caring for aging parents.

Or, something else.

If this describes you, fill out the form below to request a time to speak.

When It’s Time for My Special Form of Support

Simply put –

  • When you’ve been struggling with a personal issue at home, at work, or “in the world” for 6 months or more, and you haven’t yet found a way to get relief or resolution. And you’re feeling stressed out, anxious, angry, resentful, grief-stricken, frightened, overwhelmed, guilty, or confused.

  • When there’s an event (or two or three) from the past that you’ve think you’ve put behind you, but it continues to affect you, your relationships, or your work. Perhaps you’ve even done a lot of inner work and counselling for it – but whenever you think about it, it still bothers you. It may have been a shocking experience that happened suddenly – like a spouse unexpectedly announcing he was leaving. Or, it could be something that kept repeating – like a parent who criticized you almost daily.

  • When you’ve been trying to keep everyone around you happy, but are not feeling happy yourself, and you’ve been feeling resentful of others.

  • When you’re feeling anxious or overwhelmed by all your obligations and responsibilities – all the things you think you “should, must, or have to” do – and there seems to be almost no time for fun or to nurture yourself.

The Complete and Lasting Release of Your Distress is My Top Priority

I want you to feel the pleasure of relief, deep in your body.

I want you to have more energy for living your life fully.

I want you to have more clarity to make more authentic choices for yourself.

All these things happen easily, without effort or trying, as a result of fully releasing emotions that are attached to a distressful issue.

I have a gift for “sitting strong” and being fully present with women who are experiencing intense emotions, and for guiding them, with great care and gentleness, through a process to get complete relief.

Along with the relief comes a change in perspective:

  • You’ll no longer react to the person or situation that caused the distress.

  • You’ll think more realistically and positively about the issue or problem that had previously caused you distress.

  • You’ll have more clarity in making choices that truly support you.

How We Can Work Together

In private personal sessions, either over the phone or in-person at my office, I’ll lead you through a process to uncover the roots of whatever is getting in the way of fully enjoying your life, and gently guide you in releasing painful moments so that you can feel the pleasure of relief and then make better, truer choices from your heart.

The steps of this process include:

Monica's Office

Monica's Office

1.    Create a comfortable space where you can freely express yourself. When  you have a sense of comfort and safety, you’ll feel free to express yourself, be real, as well as receive guidance and support.

2.    Take a look at what’s getting in the way of fully enjoying your life. Knowing what you don’t want paves the way to discover and paint a clear picture of what you want instead.

3.    Uncover the patterns and dig out the roots. Within every problem or issue lies a pattern: a habitual way of thinking, feeling, and acting. Healing and transformation happens when old, unhelpful patterns are shifted to new, effective ones. When you discover how the pattern started, you have identified the root causes of the pattern, and you’re ready to dig out these roots.

4.    Tap into and release painful moments. Painful emotions, negative thoughts, and habitual behavior patterns can be easily released - even if they have been held in the body for a long time. When root causes are released, old ineffective patterns also start releasing, and are less likely to return.

Using easy, elegant and effective body-centered approaches (such as EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, Somatic Experiencing) that work directly with your body chemistry, your energy and your nervous system, I guide you to allow release and change to happen easily and quickly, creating lasting positive shifts in your body, mind and emotional state.

5.    Feel the pleasure of relief, deep in your body.  You’ll know that this work is “working” because you’ll feel good, deep in your body. You’ll feel lighter and more open. You’ll think more clearly. You’ll become less reactive and more responsive to people and situations.

There may also be pleasant surprises in the form of outcomes that you could not have predicted.

6.    Make truer choices – from your heart. When emotions are released, you become more in touch with your body and your heart, and they will let you know what you truly want. You can now make better, truer choice – choices that resonate with your true spirit.

Unless your situation is something that we can deal with quickly, this work is usually a process that unfolds gradually over time. Longer-term work is scheduled at 2 sessions per month.  Sessions are 75 minutes long and are held by phone or in-person at my office.  The space between sessions allows time for you to experience the shifts and healing that you receive during a session, as well as integrate new patterns into your life.

Why Work With Me?

I have a long history of helping women from all walks of life find relief from stressful life situations. 

For example:

Monica with Client

Monica with Client

  • I helped Joy, a retired teacher and principal, release the remaining grief and sorrow over the death of her husband five years previously.  The images of his dying days would come to her, unbidden, in the middle of normal daily activities, and she would feel quite panicked.  As a result of our work, she is now able to “see” those images without any anxiety, and she feels totally calm inside when she thinks of him and their life together.  A “surprise” that arose from this work was that the release of thee it unleashed her creative energy, energy that had been tied up in her sorrow: she wrote a book immediately after her sessions with me - something she had not planned on doing.

  • I helped “Angela”, a manager in public service, let go of her “automatic yes” when others asked her to do something.  Underneath this were feelings of guilt – she’d feel guilty if others did not get what they wanted from her.  She also had a belief that once she said “yes” it was a commitment, and that it was never okay to back out of a commitment.  She got stomach aches every time she agreed to do something she really didn’t want to do.  Her body was saying “no” and she was ignoring it.  Through our work, she released her guilty feelings as well as her belief about not backing out of commitments.  She became much more comfortable saying “no” without feeling guilty, and also with changing her mind after she had said “yes.”

  • I helped “Cindy” release over 25 years of anger and resentment towards her husband in a single session. As a result, she now feels calm and peaceful inside herself whenever she’s near him, and their relationship has become more harmonious.  After our work, she took her first vacation in over 23 years with her husband and had a wonderful time.

I am a highly sensitive person who values working and living with much tenderness, softness and gentleness.  No forcing, no trying hard, no efforting.

I am curious about the women with whom I work.  Not the superficial curiosity of “how did you spend your summer vacation?” – but rather a deep, open curiosity about their inner experience.  This creates space for women to tune into their inner process without judgement.

I honor and support the choices of the women with whom I work.  While the issues and situations that women bring to me have common threads, each woman is unique in her experience of that situation, and her choices are unique to her.

I believe that no one is “broken” and there’s nothing to be “fixed.”  I believe that “healing” is simply a series of positive energetic shifts that, when combined, propel us into having a different, more fulfilling experience of life.

Your Next Step

If you’re ready to get relief from your struggles and experience more ease and grace in your life, fill out the form below and press the SUBMIT button.

If there seems to be a good fit for what I offer, I’ll contact you to set up a no-obligation, no-pressure call in which we’ll discuss your situation in greater detail and what results are possible for you.

Also when we speak, together we’ll decide whether working together now is the best choice.  If we agree to work together, I’ll outline several options for our sessions, including packages that reduce the per-session cost.

Let’s Get Started: Tell Me About Yourself

PLEASE NOTE: I am presently only accepting clients who have worked with me in the past. Sessions are available by phone, ZOOM, or FaceTime.

Your information is completely private and confidential and will not be shared with anyone else.