Is EFT for You?

My clients have experienced profound shifts in their lives by applying Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), an approach that gently and easily assists the body in releasing distressful emotions, long-term emotional and mental patterns, and physical symptoms by balancing the body's energy flow and settling the nervous system.

After using EFT in sessions with me to reduce their stress and anxiety and let go of emotional ties to the past, my clients regularly tell me that they:

  • are no longer reactive to people and situations that used to "push their buttons",

  • feel lighter, more peaceful and at ease in their bodies, and

  • feel happier and more satisfied in their relationships, in their work, and in their lives.

EFT is highly effective in relieving a variety of problems. I've helped my clients to successfully release and resolve many issues, including:

  • Releasing Recurring Intense Emotions: releasing anger, resentment, guilt, grief, jealousy, frustration, shame, anxiety, or feelings of rejection of abandonment related to specific people and past or ongoing events.
    Typical Outcome: feeling calm and peaceful when thinking about the person or event, and having neutral thoughts: "It's okay. It happened. He/she/it doesn't bother me now."

  • Resolving Emotional and Physical Traumas: re-regulating the nervous system and resolving trauma in the body after experiencing a traumatic event such as separation or divorce, hearing a cancer diagnosis and receiving medical treatment, loss of or change in work or career, death of a loved one, physical and sexual abuse, assaults and attacks, motor vehicle accidents, falls, witnessing a distressful event, and injuries. These can be released and resolved even long after the events occurred.
    Typical Outcome: the body and mind remain calm and peaceful when thinking about the traumatic event. Pain and symptoms often improve, and sometimes disappear.

  • Transforming Habitual and Ineffective Patterns: recurring problems that show up in our lives - for example:
    - procrastination, perfectionism, and other behaviors that stop us from getting what we really want
    - emotional overeating and other addictive patterns
    - entering romantic relationships that don't last
    are usually related to events in the past, and can be transformed by releasing the emotions and beliefs that are related to the past memories as well as the current situation.
    Typical Outcome: the pattern loses its "hold" and it becomes much easier to take actions that support the desired outcome. Often, no effort is involved - the changes happen automatically. Also, the body and mind remain calm and peaceful when thinking about the past memories.

  • Creating More Effective Personal Boundaries: involves releasing the emotions (mainly, fear and guilt) that stop us from speaking our truth as well as releasing emotions around past events in which we learned not to have boundaries and not express our wants and desires, setting up patterns of people-pleasing (putting the needs of others ahead of our own, difficulty saying "no") or placating, avoiding or withdrawing, rationalizing, or blaming.
    Typical Outcome: Making choices based on authentic desires becomes natural. Saying "no" and "yes" with clarity starts happening.

  • Relief from Pain and Symptoms: partial or complete relief from back, neck, arm, leg, or shoulder pain, headaches, and digestion problems often occurs when the emotional factors and traumas that caused or contributed to the pain or symptom are released.

  • Releasing Overwhelming Fears or Panic Attacks: related to being in social situations, flying, public speaking, medical procedures, enclosed spaces, heights, insects, or animals.
    Typical Outcome: complete cessation of these fears and panic attacks. (Note: "healthy" fear remains - such as "I'm not going to try to touch that rattlesnake on the path.")

  • Increased Self-acceptance and Self-compassion: While this can be developed by discovering and releasing the causes of non-acceptance (that usually begin very early in life), it is also a natural consequence of the EFT process. In EFT, we are continually affirming acceptance of self and acceptance of our thoughts and emotions. Over time, this cultivates deeper self-acceptance and self-compassion - without effort or trying.

What is EFT?

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a set of techniques that releases distressful emotional patterns and physical symptoms by balancing energy flow in the body and settling the nervous system.

EFT is gentle, simple, and effective. EFT is also known as "tapping" because it involves tapping lightly with fingertips on a sequence of acupuncture points located on the hands, upper body and head while focusing on a negative event, issue, thought, belief or body sensation that you want to release.

After tapping, the intensity of your distress is usually greatly reduced or completely eliminated. When this happens, you feel the relief in your body and your thoughts automatically shift, without effort, to a positive outlook. You're able to think more clearly and make choices more easily.

EFT provides relief quickly and often permanently, even for long-held emotions and symptoms. EFT often works where nothing else will and is for people who want to: 

  • Reduce anxiety, stress, tension

  • Release intense emotions and resolve emotional ties to the past

  • Heal from physical and emotional trauma

  • Reduce or eliminate pain and physical symptoms

  • Bring their energy and emotions into balance

While EFT can be used as a self-help tool (and I teach all my clients how to use EFT for themselves), in private sessions I use more advanced techniques that enhance the basic EFT process - making it more elegant and giving deeper, more powerful results.

Private EFT sessions are available for men and women, in-person and by phone. 

EFT tapping has been scientifically proven to work in a number of areas, and has been shown to significantly reduce cortisol levels (a major stress hormone in the body) in a short period of time.

EFT is also highly supported by some of the world's leading health and personal development experts, including Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Cheryl Richardson, Jack Canfield, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Mark Hyman, and Dr. Christiane Northrup.